
Sustainability policy: Our commitment.

Owner: Asembl AG Ltd, 1 Silverthorne Way, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 7XB

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Whether working from home, in the office or with its clients, Asembl AG Ltd is making sustainability become second nature. Step by step, Asembl AG Ltd is moving towards a deep and lasting behavioural change, educating and engaging colleagues, clients and suppliers alike to think and act responsibly. From reducing waste and carbon emissions and preventing pollution to looking after its workforce and local community, verifiable and sustainable social, economic and environmental practice is core to the Asembl AG Ltd way of life. We ensure that we are all aware of our impacts, how to prevent or reduce them, and be fully compliant with current environmental legislation. We have a great desire to always work to high standards. We regularly keep staff up to date through our inductions, internal working groups, training and regular updates on new materials and best practice within the working environment.  

Events statement.

Sustainability is not just a tick-box exercise at Asembl AG Ltd, it is a vitally important consideration for us and shapes how we work. Before putting any event or campaign together, we create an impact assessment for the event. The areas we assess cover power consumption, transportation (of goods into the venue as well as whether food products are sourced locally); what disposable items will be utilised and the impact on the local environment outside of the venue (i.e. are we likely to cause litter trails). We then create a plan to minimise our impact wherever possible and work with our supply partners to achieve this. 

The board and senior management team are committed to:

  1. Continually improving our environmental practices 
  2. Working within the local area to support and promote local suppliers and produce 
  3. Working with our clients, contractors and suppliers to encourage further reductions in pollution, waste and carbon emissions 
  4. The enhancement of client satisfaction 
  5. Reducing our waste and carbon emissions by using ISO 14001 approved suppliers 
  6. Preventing pollution 
  7. Complying with all current and relevant legislations 

The management has a continuing commitment to:

  1. Ensure that client needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving client satisfaction 
  2. Educating employees, contractors and suppliers 
  3. Identifying our environmental impacts and addressing them 
  4. We attempt virtual site visits where possible to reduce our carbon footprint 
  5. We car share for all events 
  6. We use hybrid / environmentally focused logistics partners 
  7. We have a tree planting scheme aimed at supporting the offset of emissions generation 

 Through regular review Asembl AG Ltd monitors its performance and implements improvements where necessary ensuring continual suitability