
London and Abu Dhabi Cloud World Tour - Conference and exhibitor area.

A global tech giant on a mission to reconnect with audiences worldwide for the first time in years, so we asembl.d the experts our team 0f 200 responded.

For the last 15 years, we have worked with Oracle to create meaningful experiences, from mid to large-sized conferences, exhibitions, round-tables, logistics and creative content. We were honoured to have been chosen as a partner for the Oracle CloudWorld Tour in London and Abu Dhabi 2023.



Like many in-person experiences, the pandemic caused the CloudWorld Tour to hit the pause button in 2019, meaning the eagerly-awaited comeback tour needed to be bigger and better than ever before. We were challenged with creating a multi-track, high-production event with many speakers, content materials, and sponsors with a mission to reconnect customers and partners to the Brand by providing the platform for face-to-face connection and amplifying Oracle as a key leader in innovative technology. Using the flagship Las Vegas show as the benchmark, the agenda was to encourage conversation and collaboration by delivering key messages with meaningful impact.



asembl. did what we do best – we asembl.d the experts to bring the UK and Abu Dhabi CloudWorld Tours to life. With over 200 handpicked creative, project, operational and production managers, we built a dream team to deliver an extraordinary Oracle brand experience. asembl. worked to a condensed timeline with only 4 months of planning, with the live events in April and May. The return of CloudWorld created excitement within the industry, and both the UK and UAE events grew in unpredicted size. The venues changed 6 weeks before the live show to accommodate the growing numbers. Because of this, the experience design, operational delivery, production, logistics, and delivery team needed reviewing and, in some cases, restarted fresh.



The result was an agile, collaborative, embedded team working with a shared vision and a seamless event delivery. The new venues provided the perfect backdrop for an exceptional brand experience. The attendance numbers surpassed the original expectations, causing the need for a quick and efficient venue change, and there was a huge buzz of excitement across social media in the run-up and on the live day for both London and Abu Dhabi events.