
Good question…. well honestly, it’s pretty simple. The group was formed to assemble the best of the best talent to provide an exceptional service offering to our clients. What began as a working title and concept kind of stuck. But, per the ‘asembl. way’, we simplified.

asembl. is a satiric spelling of assemble; a style of writing that reduces word length by removing redundant letters.

As part of our core values, we keep it simple. We remove the unnecessary, strip back and do things our way. So, it makes perfect sense when you think of it that way!

Easier to read written on a single line with a full stop to signify there is nothing else to follow.

Just like us, .co is simple, streamlined and different.

Our logo is something we’re proud of. We were inspired by the simplest form of assembly – children’s building blocks.

We learn that at a young age, when we assemble something, we create something bigger and more interesting than it was before. ​​

Each logo cube represents a service unit. The units come together perfectly to form one solid group. The black space represents future expansion – a place for you, our future partner.

The asembl. concept was born during the Covid pandemic. With the mission to bring exceptional talent and specialists all under one roof, forming a simplified service offering for our clients. A one-stop shop of skills and creativity.

asembl. as we see today, launched in May 2022, but the heart of asembl. comes from our Founders, Adam Baxter and Gavin Farley, creating In2Events Ltd back in 2005.


From the UK, Europe, and the US to Timbuktu and back again, we work worldwide and can support you wherever your project goes live.

Yes, we do. Save time and hassle by using our resources. We know the place to be, from luxury, contemporary, trendy and cool to the more obscure and bizarre. Drawing on our years of knowledge and our little black book of contacts, we can find your next venue or location and secure the best rates.

Finding the perfect venue can take a lot of time, so we charge a venue-finding fee when necessary. However, this is only sometimes the way, so please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

No, we do not. We’ll provide the best venues and locations that fit your brief and budget. There is no benefit for us or, more importantly, you in working with venues on an exclusive basis.


asembl.Academy is close to our CEO’s heart. Gavin felt there wasn’t enough guidance and support when he first entered the world of employment in 1997! Our industry is the best in the world, and we should be doing more to encourage young blood to take the plunge into an exciting, fast-paced career.

As part of our values, we care. We care about our impact on the planet, environment, and the communities around us. We should all do more to influence change, and as a business, we strive to make this ethos integral to our everyday decision-making.

We partner with ISLA, an industry leader in ‘making events green’. We use their TRACE tool to measure and monitor carbon footprints at live, hybrid and virtual events.

As with anything, making your event ‘green’ and more environmentally conscious does incur a cost. It can vary depending on the project size; however, it is more effective when a sustainable approach is included in the initial planning stages instead of as an afterthought.